Saturday, May 22, 2021

Top famous Scientists biography, month of April born Scientists, Scientists facts

Hi Folks ,Here are a few famous scientists born in the month of April 
                     Sophia Germain
Birthday: April 1, 1776

Birthplace: France

Fields: Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy

Trivia: Germain’s work on Fermat’s Last Theorem laid a foundation for other mathematicians who were exploring the subject for years.

Honours: Germain was the first woman to win the Mathematics Prize awarded by the French Academy of Prizes.

Known for: Her notable contribution to the study of acoustics, number and elasticity theories. 
                  Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty
 Birthday: April 4, 1938 

Birthplace: India

Fields: Microbiology 

Trivia: In 2008, Chakrabarty co-founded his second bio-pharmaceutical company called Amrita Therapeutics to develop therapies and vaccines to treat cancer.

Honours: Scientist of the Year Award by the Industrial Research Organisation of the United States (1975), Golden Eurydice Award (2007) and Padma Shri (2007).

Known for: Chakrabarty’s remarkable role in genetically engineering a new species of Pseudomonas bacteria (oil-eating bacteria) in 1971 opened gates to the world of genetics and nuclei.

              Robert Burns Woodward
Birthday: April 10, 1917 

Birthplace: United States of America 

Fields: Organic Chemistry

Trivia: Woodward worked closely with Roald Hoffmann in synthesising vitamin B-12 and formulated the Woodward-Hoffmann Rules. 

Honours: ForMemRs (1956), Davy Medal (1959), National Medal of Science (1964), Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1965), Willard Gibbs Award (1967), and Copley Medal (1978).

Known for: Woodward is known for organic synthesising of cholesterol and chlorophyll, Woodward cis-hydroxylation, and molecular structure determination. 
                        Leonardo da Vinci
Birthday: April 15, 1452 

Birthplace: Italy 

Fields: Renaissance art, music and architecture, Mathematics and Science

Trivia: Known as the greatest painters of all time, Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the iconic Vitruvian Man.

Honours: Though he didn’t receive any awards during his lifetime, the Leonardo da Vinci Award was established by the Rotary Club of Florence in 1975 to honour outstanding young people in the field of science, technology, literature, and the arts. 

Known for: Vinci is recognised as the father of palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture. His sketches of the flying machine and other scientific futuristic technologies often credit him with the invention of the parachute, and helicopter  

                       Carl Friedrich Gauss
Birthday: April 30, 1777

Birthplace: Germany

Fields: Mathematics, physics, astronomy, and writing 

Trivia: When Gauss was just 21 years old, he wrote a book on number theory called the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. For this, he was nicknamed as “Princeps mathematicoru” and “greatest mathematician since antiquity”

Honours: Lalande Prize (1809) and Copley Medal (1838)

Known for: Gauss is known for his contributions to the field of mathematics and science. His gave the world the Gauss Law for Magnetism and degaussing. 

So, which scientist do you share your birthday with? 
Do tell us about your favorite scientists and how they have inspired you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

MARCH month birthday Scientists biography in Tamil and English , 3 rd month Albert Einstein Scientists biography

Here are a few famous scientists born in the month of March

                     1. Edward Condon
Born: 02 March 1902

Profession: Nuclear physicist

Honours: Frederic Ives Medal (1968)

Known for: His significant contributions in the development of radar and nuclear weapons during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project
                  2.Alexander Graham Bell 

Born: 03 March 1847

Profession: Scientist, inventor, engineer, and an innovator

Honours: John Fritz Medal (1907), Elliott Cresson Medal (1912), Hughes Medal (1913), and IEEE Edison Medal (1914)

Known for: Inventing and patenting the first practical telephone on March 10, 1876. He also founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1885, along with graphophone and twisted-pair cabling.

                       3. Albert Einstein
Born: 14 March 1879

Profession: Theoretical physicist

Honours: Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Gold Medal from the Royal Astronomical Society (1926), and Max-Planck Medal (1929)

Known for: His contributions to science, particularly his general and special theory of relativity, his mass–energy equivalence formula E= mc², along with inventing the Einstein refrigerator.

                   4. Kalpana Chawla 
Born: 17 March 1962

Profession: Astronaut and an engineer

Honours: Congressional Space Medal of Honor (2004), NASA Distinguished Service Medal (2003), and NASA Space Flight Medal

Known for: She is the first female astronaut from India.

                      5.Emmy Noether 

Born: 23 March 1882

Profession: Mathematician

Honours: Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award (1932)

Known for: A leading mathematician of her time, she made important contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics and developed the theories of rings, fields, and algebras.

                        6. Ann Kiessling 

Born: 29 March 1942

Profession: Biologist and an inventor

Honours: Jacob Heskel Gabbay Award for Biotechnology and Medicine (2009), Central Washington University Distinguished Alumni Award (2010), and an Honorary Doctorate in Cell and Molecular Biology, Oregon State University (2014)

Known for: Discovering the reverse transcription activity in normal human cells. She is the founder of the Special Program of Assisted Reproduction, New England.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

January born scientists

Hi folks

Science is constantly evolving, helping us understand our world better. Throughout history, some of the most famous inventors and scientists were born in the 1st month of the year.

Here are a few famous scientists who celebrated their birthday this month!

Satyendra Nath Bose

Born: 1st January, 1894

Profession: Physicist

Honours: Padma Vibhushan, Fellow of the Royal Society

Known for: his contribution in quantum mechanics, Bose–Einstein condensate, Bose–Einstein statistics, Bose–Einstein distribution, Bose–Einstein correlations, Bose gas

Stephen Hawking

Born: 8th January, 1942

Profession: A theoretical physicist

Honours: Presidential Medal of Freedom, Albert Einstein Medal, Wolf Prize in Physics, Copley Medal, Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Hughes Medal, Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, Eddington Medal, Franklin Medal, Adams Prize, Fonseca Prize, Special breakthrough Prize in Fundamental

Known for: his contributions to the fields of cosmology, general relativity and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes

Har Gobind Khorana

Born: 9th January, 1922

Profession: A biochemist

Honours: Nobel Prize in Medicine, Gairdner Foundation International Award, Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize, ForMemRS, Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research, Padma Vibhushan, Willard Gibbs Award

Known for: successfully demonstrating the role of nucleotides in protein synthesis

Ruth R. Benerito

Born: 12th January, 1916

Profession: A chemist

Honours: Garvan–Olin Medal, Lemelson–MIT Prize and National Inventors Hall of Fame

Known for: her invention of wrinkle-free fibre

James Watt

Born: 19th January, 1736

Profession: An inventor, mechanical engineer and a chemist

Honours: Doctor of Laws by University of Glasgow, featured on the new £50

Known for: Watt steam engine, Separate condenser, Parallel motion, Sun and planet gear, Centrifugal governor and Indicator diagram

Raja Ramanna

Born: 28th January, 1925

Profession: Nuclear Physicist

Honours: Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri

Known for: his role in India’s nuclear program, Operation Smiling Buddha and Operation Shakti

Thursday, April 16, 2020






Tesla discovered, designed and developed ideas for a number of important inventions — most of which were officially patented by other inventors — including dynamos (electrical generators similar to batteries) and the induction motor. 
He was also a pioneer in the discovery of radar technology, X-ray technology, remote control and the rotating magnetic field — the basis of most AC machinery. Tesla is most well-known for his contributions in AC electricity and for the Tesla coil.

AC Electrical System

Tesla designed the alternating-current (AC) electrical system, which would quickly become the preeminent power system of the 20th century and has remained the worldwide standard ever since. In 1887, Tesla found funding for his new Tesla Electric Company, and by the end of the year, he had successfully filed several patents for AC-based inventions.
Tesla's AC system soon caught the attention of American engineer and businessman George Westinghouse, who was seeking a solution to supplying the nation with long-distance power. Convinced that Tesla's inventions would help him achieve this, in 1888 he purchased his patents for $60,000 in cash and stock in the Westinghouse Corporation.
As interest in an AC system grew, Tesla and Westinghouse were put in direct competition with Thomas Edison, who was intent on selling his direct-current (DC) system to the nation. A negative press campaign was soon waged by Edison, in an attempt to undermine interest in AC power. 
Unfortunately for Edison, the Westinghouse Corporation was chosen to supply the lighting at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and Tesla conducted demonstrations of his AC system there.

Hydroelectric Power Plant

In 1895, Tesla designed what was among the first AC hydroelectric power plants in the United States, at Niagara Falls. 
The following year, it was used to power the city of Buffalo, New York — a feat that was highly publicized throughout the world and helped further AC electricity’s path to becoming the world’s power system.
In the late 19th century, Tesla patented the Tesla coil, which laid the foundation for wireless technologies and is still used in radio technology today. The heart of an electrical circuit, the Tesla coil is an inductor used in many early radio transmission antennas. 
Tesla coil
The coil works with a capacitor to resonate current and voltage from a power source across the circuit. Tesla himself used his coil to study fluorescence, x-rays, radio, wireless power and electromagnetism in the earth and its atmosphere. 

Free Energy

Having become obsessed with the wireless transmission of energy, around 1900 Tesla set to work on his boldest project yet: to build a global, wireless communication system — to be transmitted through a large electrical tower — for sharing information and providing free energy throughout the world. 
With funding from a group of investors that included financial giant J. P. Morgan, in 1901 Tesla began work on the free energy project in earnest, designing and building a lab with a power plant and a massive transmission tower on a site on Long Island, New York, that became known as Wardenclyffe.
However, doubts arose among his investors about the plausibility of Tesla's system. As his rival, Guglielmo Marconi — with the financial support of Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison — continued to make great advances with his own radio technologies, Tesla had no choice but to abandon the project. 
The Wardenclyffe staff was laid off in 1906, and by 1915 the site had fallen into foreclosure. Two years later Tesla declared bankruptcy and the tower was dismantled and sold for scrap to help pay the debts he had accrued.

Death Ray

After suffering a nervous breakdown following the closure of his free energy project, Tesla eventually returned to work, primarily as a consultant. 
But as time went on, his ideas became progressively more outlandish and impractical. He grew increasingly eccentric, devoting much of his time to the care of wild pigeons in the parks of New York City
Tesla even drew the attention of the FBI with his talk of building a powerful "death ray," which had received some interest from the Soviet Union during World War II.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Nikola Tesla scientists

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer and inventor who is highly regarded in energy history for his development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems. He also made extraordinary contributions in the fields of electromagnetism and wireless radio communications.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Earth Observation Applications

Earth Observation Satellites of ISRO has been successfully able to establish many operational applications in the country. Both at Central and State level, there are large number of users who utilise space based inputs for various purposes. Some of the important missions of ISRO, in terms of IRS series of satellites, that has enabled unique applications of space based imaging are, Cartosat-1 & 2, Resourcesat-1 & 2, Oceansat-1 & 2, Risat-1, Megha-Tropiques, SARAL, Scatsat, INSAT series, and host of other satellites. ISRO is in the verge of realising next generation of these satellites, as part of continuity of missions, to ensure that the user community is continuously benefitted from space inputs for sustainable development and good governance.
The hallmark of Indian space programme is the application-oriented focus and the benefits that have accrued to the country through these programmes. The societal services offered by Earth Observation, SATCOM and the recent NavIC constellation of satellites in various areas of national development, including tele-education and telemedicine, are standing examples of applications oriented space programme of India. Remote Sensing applications projects at National, State and Local levels are being carried out through a well-established multi-pronged implementation architecture of National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) in the country. The architecture of space programme in India emphasises on the applications, with active participation of user-community from Government, Academia and Industry. During past many years, Indian Remote Sensing Satellite constellation has taken giant strides in ensuring many areas of application, operational. Some of the most prominent ones are Agricultural Crops Inventory, Water Resources Information System, Ground Water Prospects, Forest Working Plans, Biodiversity and Coral Mapping, Potential Fishing Zones, Ocean State Forecasts, Rural Development, Urban Development, Inventory & Monitoring of Glacial Lakes / Water Bodies, Location based Services using NavIC constellation, Disaster Management Support Programme (Cyclone and Floods Mapping & Monitoring, Landslide Mapping & Monitoring, Agricultural Drought, Forest Fire, Earthquakes, Extreme Weather Monitoring and experimental Forecasts and so on).
Geospatial technologies, remote sensing, satellite communication and navigation systems are providing many new ways for effective management of natural resources. This has resulted in enabling variety of data and information products for societal benefits and also helping planners and decision-makers to embark upon unique people-centric services. Web Geoportals and mobile technologies (Bhuvan Geoportal) are the other popular platforms, being used by Governments, to provide information services and solutions at all levels, which are proving to be effective. The Government system has successfully adopted  to use such technologies for the benefit of people at large. ISRO works closely with Central & State Government departments/ ministries, Industry and Academia in ensuring best of solutions for optimal management of Natural Resources, support services for good governance and societal development.

Monday, February 24, 2020