Born: 02 March 1902
Profession: Nuclear physicist
Honours: Frederic Ives Medal (1968)
Known for: His significant contributions in the development of radar and nuclear weapons during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project
Born: 03 March 1847
Profession: Scientist, inventor, engineer, and an innovator
Honours: John Fritz Medal (1907), Elliott Cresson Medal (1912), Hughes Medal (1913), and IEEE Edison Medal (1914)
Known for: Inventing and patenting the first practical telephone on March 10, 1876. He also founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1885, along with graphophone and twisted-pair cabling.
Born: 14 March 1879
Profession: Theoretical physicist
Honours: Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Gold Medal from the Royal Astronomical Society (1926), and Max-Planck Medal (1929)
Known for: His contributions to science, particularly his general and special theory of relativity, his mass–energy equivalence formula E= mc², along with inventing the Einstein refrigerator.
Born: 17 March 1962
Profession: Astronaut and an engineer
Honours: Congressional Space Medal of Honor (2004), NASA Distinguished Service Medal (2003), and NASA Space Flight Medal
Known for: She is the first female astronaut from India.
Born: 23 March 1882
Profession: Mathematician
Honours: Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award (1932)
Known for: A leading mathematician of her time, she made important contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics and developed the theories of rings, fields, and algebras.
Born: 29 March 1942
Profession: Biologist and an inventor
Honours: Jacob Heskel Gabbay Award for Biotechnology and Medicine (2009), Central Washington University Distinguished Alumni Award (2010), and an Honorary Doctorate in Cell and Molecular Biology, Oregon State University (2014)
Known for: Discovering the reverse transcription activity in normal human cells. She is the founder of the Special Program of Assisted Reproduction, New England.
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